About Rebecca

Over the course of our time together, we parter to understand the ways you can best
show up for yourself, your people, and the world.

Rebecca is a coach, consultant, and fierce believer in the potential of all humans to thrive. She began her career in the classroom, where her work with diverse learners deepened her conviction that we all do best when we understand ourselves, our needs, and leverage our strengths. Across her work in academia, organizations within the nonprofit and for profit sectors, and in 1:1 coaching relationships, one thing rings consistently true regardless of environment: People who are set up to leverage their superpowers and live into their fullest selves are the pulse of change. Rebecca grounds her practice in the space where relationships and strategy meet, knowing that, at times, we must create a beautiful mess in order to envision our most emboldened and impactful future.  Rebecca is certified as a Designing Your Life coach and in Hogan Assessments for individuals and teams.

Our Approach

  • Make it Personal

    We use reflective resources and a variety of certified assessments and tools to dive in quickly, using what we call an “embodied coaching practice” that leverages a variety of approaches, rather than one method of assessment and engagement. Our work together is unique to you, your team, your context.

  • Go Together

    Field time is central to our approach with leaders and their team. It creates a common language that we can build from, and grounds us in honesty that is best created through shared experience. Knowing the context of the work and the humans behind it matters. This is people work.

  • Discover Coherence

    There is a feeling you get when you are acting in line with who you are at your core. This happens for individuals and in teams, it propels culture and strong outcomes, and getting there takes intention and commitment. . We both care about and move beyond vision, getting down to the brass tacks of what coherence means for your actions, rhythms, and rituals.

  • Chart Your Path

    By working concretely on a plan, or path, towards what you seek to evolve we make the adaptation concrete. While we understand that there are many versions of success across our lifetime, we choose one at a time and make meaningful progress towards it within our time together. We work towards outcomes, not hours, in partnership with one another.

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