Let’s partner - because the way we work matters

  • Strategic Partnership

    Together, we deepen the effectiveness and cohesion of your team, generally with an organizational leader at the center of the partnership relationship.

    Available for short term scopes of work or fractional work at 6 months +

  • Coaching

    Coaching is a responsive conversation between two people, providing an opportunity to dive deep into strengths, opportunities, and pathways to find cohesion within your personal and professional life.

    Now booking for Fall, 2024

  • Design & Facilitation

    Gathering intentionally is essential for a thriving workplace. External facilitation sets all team members up to engage fully, whether for specific professional development, retreats, or milestone meetings.

  • Cohort Series

    Engaging in cohorts accelerates both individual learning and the connections that embed it into practice. Together, we thrive.

    Seasonal cohorts available
    Additional available upon request

  • Fractional Support

    Partner to create a support plan based on the unique needs and context of your work right now. Whether you nee an interim CoS or someone to step in to cover a team transition, we co-create a responsive plan together.

Learn more about our offerings

  • WHO
    Are you a team or organizational leader experiencing change, growth, or perhaps a realization that your people are operating in patterns that are no longer catalyzing the outcomes they seek?

    Through my work with teams, we understand and evolve how a team is operating, how that is manifesting within the work itself, and realize prioritized change together.

    The scope of work for partnerships varies based on organizational needs and the humans in the space, often including the following:

    -Development of a clear and actionable culture plan

    -Aligned strategy and development, including shared field time

    -Direct coaching of team members, as needed

    -An effective handoff p‍lan to set you up to run

    Strategic Partnerships are generally available as a monthly retainer or project-based scope of work.

  • WHO

    Are you an individual seeking support at a time of transition or growth in your career? A manager looking for support in developing your team? A member of a leadership team looking for thought partnership and development within a new or challenging ecosystem?


    Within a coaching partnership, we get clear on the future you most desire, identify the obstacles we can remove and maneuver around to get there, and create the strategy and tools to realize that change together.

    At times, it can be helpful to ground this in Designing Your Life practices and/or Hogan Assessment, both of which are available as parts of a work scope.

    Coaching engagement has a baseline of 10 sessions.

  • WHO
    Are you seeking assistance with a session, series, or retreat but don’t have the bandwidth to take it on? Are you holding meetings and gathering with your people, but question their effectiveness?


    I get to know a team, the goals of gathering, and meet these needs through design and facilitation, allowing all members to engage fully in the experience. This could look like:

    -Quarter or annual meeting processes

    -Team or organizational retreats

    -Content-specific sessions tied to team cohesion and culture

  • WHO:
    Are you a leader or philanthropic organization hoping to support a group of people in their common areas of development, creating a group that can continue to push one another in an ongoing way?

    Cohorting takes advantage of both the deeply personalized, confidential 1:1 space, and the intuition and input of the collective over time. There are two primary options for the cohort approach:
    -Cohorting combined with 1:1 coaching
    -Cohorting with 1:1 meetings on the front and back end

    At times, it can be helpful to ground this in common experiences like Designing Your Life practices and/or Hogan Assessment, both of which are available as parts of a work scope.

  • WHO:

    Are you a leader with too many things on your plate, wishing you had someone to help you across priorities with wraparound support? Are you in need of fractional Chief of Staff or Program support? This could be due to short-term bandwidth issues, a key member going out on leave, or needing immediate support while considering whether you will hire an FTE.


    We start by getting clear on the current pain points and what will be most helpful, then scope a plan that meets your unique needs. Support is provided with the combination of virtual and in person partnership you most need, all the while consistently planning towards an offboarding plan that ensures you have what you need with and, eventually, without us.